Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Day 88: Something New's Cooking in the Kitchen

$200 later, the IKEA cabinet installer has removed our bottom kitchen cabinets. The contractor workers then came in and removed our old, plain kitchen tile.

It was nice while it lasted, but our cute bench -- a 2005 project that barely lasted more than a year, sniff -- is gone. One of the bench cabinets will be resurrected as an above-the-fridge cabinet, while the other two are headed for Evan's room.

And here's how the tile will be laid out. It's currently sitting in the garage. Turns out we needed a lot more than we thought. We bought 40 of those color tiles initially -- but we wound up needing at least 200. Pricy!

Work progresses on the master bathroom, as concrete stuff is applied to the walls, in prep for the travertine tiles.

Another shot from the bathroom. We like the little indentations for soap and shampoo -- we didn't ask for it, but it's nice that they did it.


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