Day 99: Chicken Wire and Paper
The inspectors are coming! The inspectors are coming! Now that the paper and chicken wire has been added to the house and garage, as well as insulation inside the house, next step comes Monday morning. The inspectors return to give a firm go for the next stage: Stucco and walls!
View from the back.
The garage is looking good! And big.
Side of the house.
And yes -- finally, the bottom kitchen cabinets are back. Looking good with the new floor.
And the dream is finally happening: A dishwasher! Nope, it's not hooked up yet. But that's coming soon...
... as is the new fridge, which will be delivered this weekend. As an aside, I happened to see online on Friday night that our new fridge was on sale for $1869. We paid $2089. A quick trip to Sears on Saturday, and we got the $230 or so refunded to us. (Every bit counts.) Of course, we spent that (and then some) the following day at Lowe's. But hey, it was a small victory! And I don't feel as bad now about the huge chunk of change we applied to the fridge.
Especially considering I just spent another $1400 on drywall for the garage. Man, that's a lot of money. Sigh.
OK, snap out of it, Mike... more info: These are the brand new cabinets that we just bought from IKEA, to complement the ones we first installed on the other side of the kitchen in 2004. The one exception is the cabinet above the fridge, which formerly was one of three that made up the bench in the kitchen nook. (The other two are eventually heading to Evan's room, to form a smaller bench.)
And one more view of the kitchen, from the stove.
(Postscript: We passed the inspection, and next step: drywall inside, stucco outside!)
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